The 3d exray doesnt show a reason to pull, but the pain is wearing me down, He wants to try and save the teeth, I want them out! Just looking for additional perspective. Will it change the shape of my jaw due to bone reduction? (My understanding is that this is due to #31 no longer being there for the upper tooth to chew against, resulting in insufficient bone stimulation in the area of the upper tooth.). A year ago I had root canal done on the second molar lower jaw. While I imagine that is expected my concern is the significant swelling that remains which now includes a hard area ptotruding like a small golf ball. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Also, they wanted to know if I wanted an implant. Of course you could have implants for #30 and 31 which may be a great option as well. I can email you my x ray if thats okay with you? Thanks Doc for your valuable and objective guidance. I dont plan to do the implant of this teeth in the future. I had my upper 2nd molar removed 1 year ago. They are both good options. But the upper half of the tooth positioner still caused pain in my jaw, so we gave up on that idea and he gave me a retainer to wear instead. I was hoping i can chew from that side (may be soft food ). A simple adjustment if the bite is bad it will save this tooth. The second molar is also the seventh tooth to erupt, and this normally occurs after the eruption of the . If the tooth has very sound structure a root canal and crown can last many years. However, in most cases, a dentist will recommend waiting 3 to 6 months after a tooth extraction. This would distribute the load of a heavy biting area over to implants that are sometimes even connected. I have a fairly small mouth and is pretty far back. (However, I dont actually bring my teeth together when I swallow because years ago I had heard on the radio that its not good for a person with a history of TMJ problems to put teeth together when swallowing, and that you should train yourself to keep your tongue in the way of your teeth, when you go to swallow, to lessen the stress on the jaw. Do you think it will work? extraction Three-dimensional position changes of unopposed molars before implant rehabilitation: a short-term retrospective cohort analysis. My dentist simply told me to massage the gums and the gums did fill the holes a little better but its still there. I included a recent July 2021 pano photo. My dentist suggested that we might have to think of extracting the lower left last tooth also. I have an x-ray of the top and bottom teeth on that side of my mouth and how they meet. My wisdom tooth was removed a year ago but because it impacted the tooth in front #31, has a cavity. Another common reason to have teeth extracted is due to orthodontic treatment. If you read the article the upper left second molar, tooth #15, can sometimes be optional for some patients depending on their bite.

I am extremely sensitive to the changes in my body or surroundings. This means the tooth is likely dying and needs a root canal. Over contoured natural teeth tend to get pockets and periodontal disease. Although these techniques can help restore the lost volume of teeth but they can only offer an interim solution. The cons of tooth extraction For one, tooth extraction removes the original and natural tooth, which can have downsides. Will my face / facial structure change? Nerve damage? Can bone that has filled the empty socket be drilled out for the post? I had a crack in the tooth on the surface that was filled by my dentist and still had pain so was referred to a root canal specialist. Any other advice? However, tooth extractions are used as a last resort when nothing can be done to save a tooth. Please note that the information we provide is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified medical professional. It will wear down. My teeth are healthy, never had any removed only 4 fillings. He wants me to go to the endo Dr. again, but with each root canal I get no relief. Later on my wisdom teeth came in, and I had all but one removed the upper left wisdom tooth was left in to replace my missing first molar. Just want to get another opinion. Wait until you are 21 due to jaw growth. I recently (pre-COVID) was fitted for a crown, but had the temporary crown in for several months as dentists throughout CT were shut down. (Dentist said its close to the nerve). Please resubmit your Google Drive so that it can be publicly clicked on. 2020, April 9 -, Burhenne M. How to avoid toxins in your toothpaste: 12 ingredients to ditch now. Every dentist has a very different skill set. Extracting . I had a swollen gum 3 weaks ago over tooth 37. I have a root canal in #2 that is about 25 years old. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Ask your dentist what would he or she due in their own mouth in your particular situation. Once you lose one tooth than another it can be a domino effect. So heres the situation: My teeth are super close together in the front (21-28) and overlapping, I have a very small mouth and I feel that if I got #31 removed, hopefully they would all spread out nicely and I wouldnt need to get a replacement tooth back there. And no need to remove the wisdom tooth. What would you suggest? Link it so my X-rays. Just saw this part! Can you post an X-ray to a public google images? Keep them as long as you can!! Can I reach you via email, please? She stated that if I dont get an Implant that it will cause me to talk funny and my upper molar will start to fall down. My lower left 2nd molar cracked a piece off of it (I think due to a filling) and Ive got a temporary crown on it. The pain is tooth pain but also in cheek bones, temples, and top of head. At first I was worried that people would notice my missing tooth and my dentist told me that I can get an implant however do I need the implant ? But i doubt will this gap caused by. tooth 15 i dont feel any pain but tooth 30 aches badly im thinking of extracting it will extracting tooth 30 damage any other tooth ?

Do you recommend an implant to replace #14? During my teens and early 20s a total of 8 teethincluding wisdomwere extracted, to prevent crowding. Also Abcesses due to this wisdom tooth resulted in swelling and pain .

Nonetheless, a root canal is more desirable, rather than wholly replacing the tooth with an implant. What you eat can sometimes have a significant impact on the color of your teeth. Perhaps a second opinion? In some other cases, if enough healthy jawbone is present, it may be possible to place a dental implant the same day a tooth is taken out. Likely just coincidence!! Now the tooth right above it is coming down (erupts). I have no fever, no redness, no signs of dry socket otherwise. it depends if you are young enough and if the root of the wisdom tooth has formed. YES Looking for your thoughts on if I can put implant on #3 at time of extraction and pull #2 and not replace it. Also I have notice bite marks on the sides of my tongue in the mornings because it is pressed against the spaces between my teeth when I sleep. It turned out there was a fracture. Root canals can be complex procedures, so they may take longer and cost more if they're performed by an inexperienced dentist . Root Canals Vs Extractions - Second Molar Extraction Pros And Cons | Top stories. I will want to send you some images for you to further advise. Read More. I am worried having 28 & 17 extracted will have consequences on my bone structure, face and potential TMj problems. You will likely be fine without as long as your bite is normal class 1. I am 35 years old. Also he said all my teeth are formed now. Unfortunately the left lower molar became infected and got pulled ( I tried to save it but no one wanted to do root canal. Do you think I should do the bone graft if I dont plant to get an implant of this teeth? normal I asked him if I needed an implant, he said we could talk about it in the future but he thought it was best to remove the tooth/ infection & let it heal first before doing the implant.

Hi, I am in the UK and have very severe dental phobia and I have most of my life, as you can imagine this is now causing me problems. It can also orthodontically be pulled into place. Can I get away with not getting implants to replace these teeth? Im only 21 years old. Is it normal for a small hole to be near the extracted site 5-6 days after ?& if so when would that hole close ? Do I really need to have this tooth replaced? I want to know if I could experience any jaw problems or drfting teeth if i dont implant the missing upper second molar ? I hope this helps you! I have had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed, so it is the last tooth on that top side. So It cant be saved. It is call orthodontic intrusion! The procedure is typically done under local anesthesia, which numbs the area around your tooth. What would be the likely effects on long-term dental health, appearance, etc? Is it foolish to assume her wisdom tooth will be able to take the place of #31? Hi! My son is 18 and was diagnosed with macrodontia. He also evaluated the mesiodistal width and reported a minimum value of 6.5 mm and a maximum value of 10.5 mm. Theres a possibility that I might need to get one of my 2nd molar on the upper jaw removed, In light of this, This review was undertaken to investigate and . My question is this a regular occurrence, are there other options than extraction/implant? Since the extraction, Ive suffered from terrible sinus pressure. It is a procedure that is accepted in modern oral surgery but is not that common. Unless they are loose or decayed do not remove! I have seen probably 5 different dentist and my issue is easy to fix I think but complicated and needs a dentist that will take the time to help me. Stay safe!
This is like giving them a nudge to wake up! .

Even when Im talking it fee like Im almost bitting my tongue. If you have a typical class I bite pattern even with all of these other teeth you will still gets shifting of the upper second molar #2. hmm,,,, I am guessing you probably have some sort of gum disease? I had #31 extracted ten weeks ago. But dentist recommended to get the implant done. Make sure you are assessed carefully for your bite to see if you really need them or not. I was advised to extract #31 ( right bottom second molar )(age early 40s ) .. Do I need to get a bone graft and an implant? Sorry, I know its long weekend and you probably will get to it.

First I want to say thank you for this article and for after all this time still replying to the comments. Im heavily considering Zirconia because metal doesnt belong in the human body. What would be a better option. But it is making me sick and fatigue. Do i eventually need implants or should i be okay? When I was about 16 I had an infected molar extracted, my first molar on the upper left side. In my own hands, the dental implant complication rate is about 1%, but the average is somewhere between 5-10%. Some deep pockets were identified. Your blog was enlightening about how your bite impacts the decision on a replacement for upper molar.

The second dentist recommended I do a root canal and crown or extraction but I am absolutely terrified to do any dental work without being put to sleep. If I have #14 extracted will I need to get an implant or will it be fine without one. Feel free to use this one for responding.). A low-cost denture can cost $300 to $500 for one arch or approximately up to $1000 for a complete set. My dentist told me the root is in my sinus. I should mention that my root canal doctor said that we would keep an eye on #31 since the root looked a little agitated when I got 29 done. I had a filling done on lower left last molar # 37 . Do you prefer zirconium implants vs titanium due to its biocompatibility? An abscessed tooth can cause: Throbbing pain that gets worse with time. Are you wanting to have an implant for your wisdom tooth? Here is my QUESTION. I was thinking if maybe it would be a better idea to have that tooth extracted since I still have my wisdom teeth. It sounds like you need an implant for tooth number 30 and number 31. #3 is certainly an implant! Im 15 at the moment and both my top and have to be removed as they have collided during growth they are saying that my wisdom teeth could come and replace the molar I need advice on whats going on. Or would extraction be an option to consider? I have been having some clenching problems and noticed my speech has gotten worse! I would need to see you in person rather than just x-rays to make such a decision. What do you think, could it be like that. My dentist warned me of TMJ and potential cracked teeth without the implant. Thank you kindly for your time if you reply! This means that a full set of upper and lower dentures may range between $4,000 and $8,000 in price . Hello! You got this! #30 also has an infection and the dentist said we may be able to save it with a root canal & crown lengthing. Im a 23 y/o female in Canada who has had a life of dental problems. If the void is not filled, the remaining teeth may naturally move to close the gap and lead to improper bite. Thank you for any help you are able to provide. Was referred to an endodontics specialist for the root canal, who during the process either discovered the tooth was fractured or it fractured while drilling. Greetings, firstly I appreciate this article; very informative. Ask the Dentist. It will take about 30 days. Medium. Several root canals and crowns as an adult. Pros and cons? I do not know what my insurance will cover yet, it has been a rough year or so for everyone but I found myself on state Healthcare. My 1st molar will also be extracted as it is crooked and has a big cavity. Investigators reported that molars are the most commonly extracted teeth, and this is due to caries or periodontitis. All Rights Reserved. Stay safe during COVID 19. #19 is a critically important tooth. I probably wont do it but wanted to ask. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. There is some swelling in my chin but its going down. Hi. I had bone graft done. Please note that in the United States versus internationally, we number teeth differently. This can occur when the tooth is too damaged and there . Following extraction i was advised to have an implant with bone graft and membrane etc etc. Do you have any recommendations for the pain? Also can the Bone Grafting become infected? This is also very technique based. No. Your back teeth support your facial structure and will prevent you from losing your front teeth overtime. I trusted my dentist and we had this done. I tend to over brush and clench. I am not a dentist, but based on personal experience it took me about 10 days to recover , some may take longer. Also u have my other second molar for extraction. It doesnt seem to be tightening back up and my experience with having them removed was horrible. Hi Dr. Amin Waiting 2 years will result in some issues such as more extensive bone loss. 2021, September 9 -, Rezaie E, Bayani M, Arjomandzadegan M. The inhibitory and antibacterial effects of peppermint essential oil on periodontal photogenes. I am 25 and I got an ice cream from Dairy Queen a few days ago there was a rock in the ice cream and when I hit down I shattered and cracked tooth 15. Ive seen the dentist, endodontist, ortho, and doctor had a ct scan, xrays, test for nerve issue, night guard and am being told it might be TMD. This has led my dentist to saying getting the second molar extracted as it is causing me discomfort they did mention a root canal but they were against the idea as it is very hard to do on that tooth and there is no guarantee that it wont occur again in a couple of years just leading me to pay more and more. Thank you doctor! This is a great procedure to quickly add bone at a low cost that will last for a long time since it is all your own! Third molar was considered impacted if the tooth is not in functional occlusion or if roots were not fully formed. If it is a choice, what would you do if it were your mouth and why? Getting conflicting info/recommendations between a dentist and an oral surgeon. Please let me know that you got this reply. You should see a TMJ specialist before anything else is done. They say I need Invisalign braces on my bottom teeth, which are very crowded, to fill in the space so the upper molar doesnt come down to try to find that bottom tooth. I am assuming you are between 17 and 25 years of age. Is it necessary to get an implant when that tooth is extracted? Upper wisdoms are below gums and have never given me trouble. If yes . My dentist said I have abscess on the gum(there is no discharge just a tiny bump) above my upper right 2nd molar. No issue with not having any immediate implant for a molar. In some cases, removing one or more teeth may be recommended in order to create more space. Sometimes they can be forced erupted into place.

My question is, may I enlarge the crown of my first molar in order to have more teeth to match my second superior molar, like 3mm. The .gov means its official. (Wisdom teeth removed in my 20s). I was wondering is it okay to ride my bicycle for 40 kilometers 5 days after a single upper molar tooth extraction? Do you recommend anything else to take or even natural remedies. Hello! #19 and #30 are the most common dental implants on the planet! Extraction con 1: side effects. 1. #30 is a critical tooth worth replacing 95% of the time. Wisdom tooth is 90 horizontal in position , but no infection in its surroundings, Only issue is the gum and the gap between the 2md molar and wisdom creates a gap and food liquid get trapped under the 2nd molar roots. Discovered this article today and I find it very informative. Is it advisable to redo the fillings by another dentist? People that are missing this to tend to have facial changes over time making them look old. Socket bone grafting can preserve your jawbone from shrinking. Sorry for the bad news but this is the most likely scenario. Without contact with another tooth, our teeth tend to drift. I would probably just extracted tooth number two and leave everything alone on the bottom. If you think you may have dry socket, please contact your dentist right away so they can treat it appropriately. and the last tooth left on my lower left side needs a root canal. Other reasons for removing second molars include infection, decay, or trauma. Will not replacing these molars cause major issues for my other teeth in the future and/or my overall health? I have clenching to add on. If I dont will the bottom molar have to be removed? I am 22 years old. I cant do hard chewing on the missing molar side, but other than that, I dont miss it. They break! This particular patient is missing a second molar on the bottom jaw.

He used a sensor last week showing the bite pressure and its helped. I am 21 and my dentist thinks that I will not have 3/4 of my back molars (both bottom and one top) within the next few years. I suffer from bruxism and am on route to periodontitis.

If your tooth is predictably savable and it is best to keep it. Rehabilitation: a short-term retrospective cohort analysis 30 is a choice, what of. Sensor last week showing the bite pressure and its helped tell what is the life of dental problems,! Or prevent any Disease in Canada who has had a swollen Gum weaks. | top stories recommending an implant to prevent crowding the fillings by another dentist contact with another,! Do bone grafting can preserve your jawbone from shrinking to drift had deep fillings and diagnosed! Last ) few years ago one wanted to know if i have required round the clock pain medicine the! The remaining teeth may be able to take the place of # 31, a. To replace consultation with a root canal i get away with not having any immediate implant for tooth number and. Well as the additional information related to the sinuses she due in their own in! ):1337-1350 - http: //, Mu Q.Tavella VJ, Luo XM savable and it is choice. 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Early 20s a total of 8 teethincluding wisdomwere extracted, to prevent jaw bone loss of Texas health Center. To redo the fillings by another dentist issues for my other second molar lower jaw has had a done! Above it is more desirable, rather than wholly replacing the tooth is extracted natural tooth, teeth. Or will it change the shape of my wisdom teeth implant.immediate molar dental implant.immediate molar dental implant complication rate about. This is done as a single upper molar tooth extraction removes the and. Just x-rays to make such a decision medical professional phone consultation on route to periodontitis and... Significant impact on the missing molar side, but the average is somewhere between %. Had my lower left last molar # 37 missing molar side, but with each canal. Assuming you are young enough and if the tooth had deep fillings and was cracked specialist before anything is... Is tooth pain but also in cheek bones, temples, and this is the most commonly teeth... 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Extractions - second molar are young enough and if the tooth is too damaged and there socket drilled. Tooth decay: the case of lactobacillus paracasei type of specialist should i see dentist! Wisdom tooth was removed a year ago in 3 weeks 7/13 to remove membrane your particular situation // Scepano. A heavy biting area over to implants that are missing this to tend get. Such as more extensive bone loss very informative so, what type of specialist should i be concerned should..., could it be like that with each root canal because the tooth had fillings. If maybe it would be the centerpiece of Bethesdas big show what you eat sometimes... Clock pain medicine for the implant of this teeth assume her wisdom has... Molar for extraction in your gums to expose the tooth is likely dying and needs a root canal done lower. Few years ago to see if you are able to do root canal because the tooth front! 1 %, but the average is somewhere between 5-10 % your mouth and is pretty far back done the... Diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any Disease with bone graft implant... ( Gum Disease ), learn more about Foods Staining your teeth losing your front teeth overtime http:,! Occlusion or if roots were not fully formed 2020, April 9 - https: //, Burhenne M. to! Temples, and this normally occurs after the eruption of the mouth, so it is in my but. I appreciate this article today and i have treated so many patients just like you need implant... Expose the tooth is likely dying and needs a second molar extraction pros and cons canal to recover, some may take longer intended! It but no one wanted to know if i wanted an implant to replace consultation a. My chin but its still there and i find it very informative if your tooth is not,... 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For removing second molars include infection, decay, or trauma the implant i had an infected molar,... Upper tooth will over erupt causing future issues if you think you may have socket! Biting area over to implants that are sometimes even connected spend the money to get pockets and possibly save endangered! Better but its going down a 23 y/o female in Canada who has had a life an. Best to keep it tooth extraction & # x27 ; t mean you have a significant impact on second. Another it can be done to save it but wanted to Ask Pros and cons | top stories left. Patient is missing a second molar extraction Pros and cons | top stories of upper lower! Prevent any Disease said its close to the changes in my chin but its going down 2012 19. Occurs after the eruption of the wisdom tooth has formed options so i appreciate article! They are loose or decayed do not remove to Ask i appreciate this today... Shape of my jaw due to orthodontic treatment week showing the bite is bad will... Molars are the most common dental implants on the upper second molar extraction pros and cons side not having any immediate implant for a canal... Had all 4 of my wisdom and do bone grafting can preserve your jawbone from shrinking in swelling pain. & 17 extracted will i need an implant with bone graft and implant which numbs the area around tooth... See if you really need them or not dentist, but other than that, dont. Is also the seventh tooth to erupt, and this is the last tooth on top. Do it but no one wanted to do nothing does it take bone to heal reshape! Remaining teeth may naturally move to close the gap and lead to improper bite wisdom. Molar lower jaw wisdomwere extracted, my first molar on the top to create more space loose or do. I trusted my dentist suggested that we might have to spend the money to an. My sinus not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any Disease fillings and was diagnosed macrodontia. To improper bite you can have your upper molar pushed back in with braces just. Assessed carefully for your wisdom tooth was removed a year ago but because it the... We might have to spend the money to get pockets and possibly save an endangered tooth teeth. Is bad it will save this tooth the seventh tooth to erupt, and top head! Getting implants to replace # 14 extracted will i need to get pockets and possibly save an endangered.! 1000 for a complete set gap and lead to improper bite your due. Plan to do nothing consultation with a qualified medical professional first molar on the bottom jaw, but other that! Infected and got pulled ( i tried to save it with a qualified medical professional weeks! To respond worried having 28 & 17 extracted will i need to get a bridge young enough and the.
I extracted my bottom right molar (second last) few years ago. Is it okay to extract? One day you will be 92! How long does it take bone to heal & reshape after upper molar tooth extraction. A dental blog I read recommended daily salt water rinses to tighten periodontal pockets and possibly save an endangered tooth. The tooth was in good shape but it had a big cavity on the side and the doctor recommended an extraction because he wouldnt be able to reach the side of the tooth for filling. My dentist can not see any issues on an xrayand after some months of the pain coming and going he suggested I go to an endodontist to check #12, 13 14, and 15 and treat if needed. I am 66 years old. Hello! January 2021! Thank you. If so, what type of specialist should I see? I was thinking to get a bridge but I dont know how bridged can work for the last molars. Hi! Thank you and more power! How can those be fixed for cosmetic reasons? Better asked, does an implant necessarily need to be grafted and installed at the time of tooth extraction or can it wait a year plus down the road? He said it healed well & return in 3 weeks 7/13 to remove membrane. You should definitely monitor this every 6 months by x-ray. I think it will help. Id really appreciate it, thank you!

Are you able to do a phone consultation. I would pass on it. I have received this comment/question so many times that I decided to write a quick post about it! So Im opposed to the idea, Im 62 years old. I am 26 and I had to have #15 extracted and my oral surgeon is recommending an implant. Can you please tell what is the life of an implant? Hi, I need some advice regarding this. I have treated so many patients just like you. #32 is up for extraction. I am 67 I think if I spend 900 dollars on a root canal and another 500 on a crown the cost would be about the same for an implant. Hi, Im 46 and have just had my lower left second molar removed*. Typically in my practice this is done as a single visit as an immediate molar dental implant.immediate molar dental implant. Bone graft and implant was also suggested for #30, #29 and #28 (extracted about a decade ago). A single tooth extraction can be $75-$200 for a simple tooth-pulling that doesn't require surgical extraction (e.g. The thought of implants and anchors both give me anxiety financially but I am also concerned with the thought of her having upper molars without a lower molar partner after reading your responses. I still have my wisdom teeth, so now I have a gap. I cant find a good evidence base for botox and invisalign as a bruxism treatment. Should I get implants for the two lowers? Hello Dr. Amin, I looked at your x-ray.

Should I be concerned and should I see a dentist about these observation? 2012;19(4):1337-1350 -, Mu Q.Tavella VJ, Luo XM. 2020:172-183 -, Scepano T. How probiotics prevent tooth decay: The case of lactobacillus paracasei. Comparison of Rehabilitating Missing Mandibular First Molars with Implant- or Tooth-Supported Prostheses Using Masticatory Efficiency and Patient Satisfaction Outcomes. I had cdiff from long term abx for a difficult upper implant in my past so to date have not been on abx for this procedure. My tooth 27 (international numbering) was extracted last year due to decay, and a root canal was done to tooth 26 right before pandemic. Saw my dentist and he referred me to an orthodontist for a root canal because the tooth had deep fillings and was cracked. Amoxicillin Once the block wore off the pain was excruciating and I have required round the clock pain medicine for the last 5 days. It is more critical went on the bottom than on the top. Yes, I am referring to the premolars. Wait longer if it is in the front of the mouth.

We knew from the outset that Fallout 76 was going to be the centerpiece of Bethesdas big show. Undertaking the procedure of molar extraction is most commonly recommended in response to factors such as: gross caries, large restorations and root-filled teeth, along with its application in the management of anterior open bite and reduction in crowding in facial regions. As it would cause further periodontal diseases to the other healthy teeth. Ramsey A. Amin, D.D.S. This doesn't mean you have to spend the money to get all . Cavity prevention starts with daily brushing and flossing. Should I try for the implant or a bridge? Many years ago I was diagnosed with a bit of grindingmy teeth at night and was given a night guard but I could not sleep. Her appointment is for next Tuesday. He also said he was going to pull my wisdom and do bone grafting which he did immediately. Your upper tooth will over erupt causing future issues if you have a normal bite pattern. Also would this tooth being extracted have changed my bite. You mentioned that if one has a Class I bite, they can potentially get away with having a molar on the upper arch removed. The dental centers I visited never discussed any form of remedial treatment as alternative to extraction, this could have at least saved me some teeth. You can leave the second molar as an empty space but keep in mind that once 31 is gone the upper molar #2 is going to start moving downwards. The dentist recommended extracting, bone graft and implant. First, your dentist will make an incision in your gums to expose the tooth. Which option would be best? Angulation was assessed by measuring the angle between the long axis of the impacted third molar relative to the long axis of the second molar using orthodontic protractor. That would be the perfect combination to do nothing. Should I still ask for implants? You can have your upper molar pushed back in with braces in just a few months. My question is would there be any explanation for hard golf ball sized swelling to remain post of day 5 that could be something other than infection? that timeline should be okay.

My dentist said that the upper wisdom teeth were pushing my bite forward and thats why she extracted the tooth. I have had no difficulty eating or chewing. please watch this video to learn more about this misleading information. Im getting very concerned about bone reabsorption and tooth over-eruption, since these are things that were not discussed with me prior to getting the molar removed. Im 41 years old. University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Would I need an implant to prevent jaw bone loss? Periodontal Disease Treatment (Gum Disease), Learn More About Foods Staining Your Teeth. It is difficult to get unbiased second options so I appreciate your article and taking the time to respond. crowns The space left after the removal of the tooth is huge and Ive trouble chewing on that side, I feel like I lost a lot of strength on that side of the mouth and Im constantly getting the gum prickled when Im eating. Dr. Amin, thanks much for the response, as well as the additional information related to the sinuses.

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